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woomy-arras.io Wiki

The 3{w[^]^w!w!w} is a tier 5 tank that upgrades from the Invariant and the Noviciate at level 60. While it summons swarm drones as the Invariant, it also has normal Noviciate drones.


The 3{w[^]^w!w!w} features a small square body with a rectangular swarm maker and a drone spawner. It is essentially a Noviciate Invariant.


The 3{w[^]^w!w!w} has the exact same number of drones the Director has (5). Its swarm maker fires relatively strong swarm drones, making it a decently strong tank. Stats-wise, it is comparable to the Invariant. From the Noviciate, the cannon's scales are reduced and it becomes squared. From the Invariant, it gains a Director cannon (which spawns 5 drones), loses the bullet cannon and enlarge the cannon's scales.


The 3{w[^]^w!w!w} upgrades from the Invariant Invariant and the Noviciate Noviciate at level 60.

The 3{w[^]^w!w!w} does not upgrade further as it’s a tier 5 tank.


As the 3{w[^]^w!w!w}[]

  • The tank is fast even without any movement points applied due to its small size, consider making a build without it.
  • The 5 big drones you have can one-shot any tank doesn't have significant health investment, so try to catch other tanks by surprise.
  • Be wary to save drones, since this tank can't spawn drones quickly.
  • The swarm this tank spawn is useful for chipping health and finishing off opponents
  • Avoid Sniper class bullets since you can't see the tank shooting at you, however, the Sniper branch has somewhat low DPS so you’ll be fine as long as you dodge.

Against the 3{w[^]^w!w!w}[]

  • Stronger swarm drone tanks like Apidae and Impeacher can kill it and protect you from it.
  • A Sniper can catch it off guard due to its small FoV (Field of View) (smaller than the Basic, but the same as the Macaroni and others.)
  • Ram tanks like Mini Comet can easily ram into 3{w[^]^w!w!w} if it doesn't have its drones near it.
  • More than anything, try to dodge the drones, as those drones hurt a lot.


