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woomy-arras.io Wiki

The Equalizer is a Tier 3 tank that upgrades from the Single and the Basebrid at level 30.


The Equalizer has a circular body with an average-sized gun in front with a large, slanted base. It also has a regular-size drone spawner on its back.


The Equalizer has very average firepower similar to the Basic's, firing at an average pace and shooting regular bullets.

Like the Single, the Equalizer has the ability to extend its camera in the direction it's facing by holding secondary fire. The camera will stay in that position until secondary fire is released.

Its AI drone spawner spawns uncontrollable drones that automatically chase and attack nearby objects. It can spawn up to a maximum of three drones.


Upgrades from[]

Upgrades to[]


As the Equalizer[]

  • Your auto drones can help protect you while you are off looking at another area with your scope.
  • Use the R key to disable your auto drones if you don't want them to attack things. This can be useful if you don't want them getting distracted by shapes.

Against the Equalizer[]

  • The Equalizer only has mediocre firepower and can be easily outpenetrated by other tanks.
  • Sneaking up on an Equalizer is difficult with the combination of its auto drones and its scope.


The Equalizer was suggested by Dankツ and added to the game on August 22, 2018 with the name "Hybrid Single". It was later renamed to the Equalizer on January 28, 2019.


Main Game Tanks
Tier 1 (Lv. 1) Basic
Tier 2 (Lv. 15) Auto-2 • Auto-Basic • Basebrid • Director • Flank Guard • Inceptioner • Lancer • Machine Gun • Mini Grower • Minishot • Pelleter • Pounder • Propeller • Single • Sniper • Subduer • Trapper • Twin
Tier 3 (Lv. 30) Airscrew • Arachnid • Basiception • Cruiser • Equalizer • Hunter • Inferno • Mega-2 • Poundbrid • Punt Gun • Rifle Full List
Tier 4 (Lv. 45) Full List
Tier 5 (Lv. 60) Full List
Event Developer • Sentries • Removed Tanks (TESTBED) • TESTBED • Developer (Tank) • Beta Tanks (TESTBED)
Developer-Exclusive Tanks
Bosses • Arena Closer