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The Moderator is a tier 5 tank that upgrades from the Manager.


The Moderator features a circular body with an outlined spawner on the front, much like the Manager, except that the spawner is slightly longer. For some reason, the spawner appears slightly slimmer than the Manager's spawner.


Upon upgrading from the Manager, keeping its invisibility, the drones also get invisibility. To distinguish these drones from normal drones, they have a gray triangle on top of them.


The Moderator can upgrades from Manager Manager at Level 60. It is at end of the upgrade line, and doesn't upgrade any further.


As the Moderator[]

  • Try not to pick fights with high DPS or ROF tanks. Also, try to avoid rammers such as Spikes or ramming build Booster. Unless you're also a rammer (which is extremely un-recommended), rammers can become instant death to the Moderator.
  • Low ROF tanks like most of Sniper branch and Destroyer can be somewhat easy to take on but still be careful. They are still both high DPS tanks, so you must be skilled at dodging oncoming bullets. While it will leave you practically defenseless, it's best to use your drones to attack the flanks or rears of Sniper branched tanks. As for Destroyer class tanks, they are quite hard to defeat. You must keep your drones very close to you, as a Destroyer-like tank could easily use their recoil to get close to you and blast you with its bullets.
  • High ROF tanks with low DPS like some Gunner tanks (especially Triploid) can become a "free kill" if you have a good enough strategy.
  • Lesser Trapper tanks such as the Trapper itself and Taurus I can be taken down easily by the Moderator.
  • You can ambush opponents easily in maze by standing still near some walls with your drones disabled and away from any polygons that may trigger their AI. Also, feel free to "troll" enemy Bots in pretty much every game-mode (Except Boss Rush, as the only enemy Bots are the Bosses, which aren't too effected by the Moderator. Plus, your teammates will trigger the AI of the Bosses) with your invisibility.
  • Try using the drones (or yourself) as "mines." Turn off the AI of the drones with R, then just AFK in one spot. Make sure to move yourself before the AFK timer kicks you out!

Against the Moderator[]

  • Triplet class is best for overpowering the Moderator's drones. For some reason though, Trance may feel a bit weaker when encountering the Moderator. Most of Machine Gun branch is also great for fighting the Moderator, especially most of Sprayer class.
  • Rammers prove lethal when attacking the Moderator. Unless a: the Moderator you're attacking is teaming, b: you're already on low health, or c: you charge right into its drones. Charging right into its drones is a STUPID idea, especially if they have max Movement Speed and Reload, in which case they can escape you while still regenerating their drones. However, Movement Speed shouldn't really be a problem when fighting the Moderator.
  • Feel free to use any Destroyer class tank (except for Launcher branch) or Builder-like Trapper class tanks to attack the Moderator, as with a good strategy you can easily take them down. Beware however, though, as if you do not guard your flanks you'll be dead very soon.
  • Speaking of FLANKS, most Flank Guard tanks with decent spread, damage, and fire rate can easily overpower the Moderator. Octo Machine, Monsoon, and Tornado are some great tanks that can overpower the Moderator. Just be careful to ALWAYS SPIN no matter what, otherwise the Moderator may have a chance of sneaking its drones through gaps in your bullets and straight to your base. Other Flank Guard branch tanks that can defeat the Moderator in a 1v1 is all Tri-Angle tanks that DON'T include Gunner or Pelleter-like cannons, as pellets are very weak against the Moderator. Fighter-H and Dumper should be able to take care of the moderator easily.
  • If you want to, you could even fight the Moderator with another drone tank. Most of Battleship branch will die easy to the Moderator. In fact, pretty much all Cruiser branch can be killed by the Moderator. The best drone tanks to fight the Moderator with are Thrasher or Cartographer. Overluxe COULD defeat a Moderator, but it's extremely hard. However, if you like, you could go Moderator VS Moderator.
  • Majority of tanks with Auto Turrets like Scratcher or Auto-Twin will probably rip apart the Moderator. Even though it is a Pelleter-like tank, the Infinity Gauntlet actually has a chance when fighting the Moderator, but you must make sure your Auto Turret stays focused on them. Otherwise, the Moderator will overpower you and kill you.
  • Don't use many Gunner class tanks. While they do have high ROF and decent DPS, the Moderator has better penetration, which could lead to defeat in a battle with the Moderator.


  • The Moderator is 1 of the 2 tanks with drones that can turn invisible.
    • It's one of the 2 tanks with weapons that can turn completely invisible.
    • The other is Ficitor.


Main Game Tanks
Tier 1 (Lv. 1) Basic
Tier 2 (Lv. 15) Auto-2 • Auto-Basic • Basebrid • Director • Flank Guard • Inceptioner • Lancer • Machine Gun • Mini Grower • Minishot • Pelleter • Pounder • Propeller • Single • Sniper • Subduer • Trapper • Twin
Tier 3 (Lv. 30) Airscrew • Arachnid • Basiception • Cruiser • Equalizer • Hunter • Inferno • Mega-2 • Poundbrid • Punt Gun • Rifle Full List
Tier 4 (Lv. 45) Full List
Tier 5 (Lv. 60) Full List
Event Developer • Sentries • Removed Tanks (TESTBED) • TESTBED • Developer (Tank) • Beta Tanks (TESTBED)
Developer-Exclusive Tanks
Bosses • Arena Closer